In 2017 when I was an ecom customer service agent (my 1st job after dropping out of law school), 1 of my tasks was to reply to Facebook ad comments. 

I took it really seriously. Our top ad (I worked for a snack company called SnackNation) was of a guy that I worked with juggling the snacks that came in our boxes. 

The ad comments would say things like:

“He’s cute”. 

I’d then reply:


This became a bit within the comments of that particular ad. Over time, thousands and thousands of these little exchanges happened in the comments of that 1 ad. Performance skyrocketed. We made more. 

I tell you this because now, 8 years later, unattended ad comments make me SICK. Because I know the power that comes with effort here.

On this subject, I came across an ad this weekend that had over 800,000 views. That’s a lot of ad spend. 

And, the brand was getting DESTROYED IN THE AD COMMENTS. Every single comment was negative. As is what happens when you let the comments get away from you. A pile on. Hard to read, truly.

This comment did me in:

I just hate to see it. And, as a rule, you need to care about this. 

Speaking of rules, here are my ad comment rules circa 2023 when I 1st wrote them for Go-to-Millions. 


Ari Murray
Ari Murray

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