I’m going to show you a million ad creatives today, or like 15. But, may I drill into Truvani’s for a minute? 

I’ll take your silence as a yes. Thank you! 

TRUVANI: “This is probably already sold out.” (This is for a new flavor launch. What a smart, smart thing to do no matter what’s launching or the size of your brand. Anyone can write ‘internet-famous’ or ‘beloved’ or ‘bestselling’. Don’t be shy).

Big fan. We’re already on it LOL. 🎨 

Me again LOL. Here’s another iteration of it, launched the same day as the creative above (January 1, 2025). THE LANDING PAGE IS A TRIP, THOUGH. And, I cannot find this product on site (there’s no search, it’s not in the mega-nav, not listed under protein powder). I have a lot of questions, and don’t suggest you copy this funnel unless you’ll test it at launch against something more traditional (a standard PDP, listed in the mega-nav). 

As promised, other ads to inspire you (for you to please steal and copy). Kindly click each ad to see the LP it leads to. 


The Row: File this under interesting to look at. 

Saint James Iced Tea: Amazon ad that could not be less expensive to produce. ANYONE CAN DO THIS. Do it. The middle frame is a little rough but they got it done and it has all of the value props and the flavor name. I’m good with this. 

La Colombe: THE END CARD. DON’T PHONE IT HOME. The landing page leads to the lattes and cold brew collection which is too broad. This is a MOCHA ad – the collections page this leads to has mocha merchandised at the very bottom. Lead to the mocha PDP or run this to multiple destinations but I’m telling you – MOCHA.

Coterie: I love this. An us vs. them but “The Past vs. The Future”

Rhode Skin: It’s art. Sell Raspberry with Raspberries. Sounds really stupid when you say it but this works better than any headline or any copy or any trick. 

Adanola: I love the subtly and the color story. Their product is playing in the right sandbox. Believe it or not. They sell the sweatsuit here. I really respect it and would like to be this girl. 

Ari Murray
Ari Murray

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