We’ve seen so much marketing in the last week, didn’t we? Here is what I loved:Β 


This from Apple made me cry (it’s an ad but Tim posted it so to me its organic). Hits a little close to home (I have an auditory processing disorder called King-Kopetzky Syndrome that I don’t think I’ve ever told you about before).Β 
ANYWHO, I LOVE THE AD and love this post. Marketing perfection. 🍎


The Skinny Confidential went LIVE on IG and TikTok on Black Friday. In this LIVE, a special discount code was offered to attendees. The sitewide offer was 30% – but if you caught the live, 50% off.Β 


Carly found this. I wasn’t sent it because I purchased from perfectwhitetee at the beginning of their BFCM offer, right before Black Friday (my first purchase of the season). SO THEY TOOK ME OFF THE LIST. I woulda gone back for more on Cyber Monday (this is when it was sent) had I been sent this text. No shipping!! Don’t segment out your biggest spenders when there is a new offer.Β 

See – they only sent me shipping updates from November 24th onwards (I bought on the 26th). πŸ™Β 


OSEA Malibu’s Now or Next Year stopped me in my tracks – and 6 free gifts!!!! OKAY???? To the point but maybe this should be best offer.Β 


By pattern I mean: favorite sending cadence for Cyber Monday (what worked best across my brands).4 EMAILS. NOT 3. NOT 2. NEVER 1. 4.Timing here should be tested but the most important send of the day – the 10pm FINAL REMINDER email that the sale is ending. Don’t be shy. People are shopping after work and they are still awake and we need to get attention before wallets close.


This sweater (well my sister bought it but I told her to and now she’s wearing it on her 1st day of her new job and I linked her to it so I claim this). GO KAYLA.Β 

Ari Murray
Ari Murray

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