I’m REALLY in the thick of BFCM (as are you), and so I thought perchance we could keep it upbeat and light today. In that spirit of my sanity and yours, please find all of the things that are on my Black Friday Wish List CURRENTLY. I reserve the right to add to this. 

I know it’s not BFCM yet, but you’d never know it because so much is already on sale. Every single 1 of my brands is on sale, although some of our offers are changing for the big weekend. Most are live as is and staying as is. I’LL KEEP YOU POSTED OKAY.

For now, this is what I’m eyeing, where I saw it, and why I want it. I’m hopeful there’s a marketing lesson in each of these, or else I shop for nothing. 

P.S. This is a wish list. I must tell you this because I don’t plan on getting everything and if I do my husband will be sooooooo not pleased and I like to be liked so its a wish list to dream about. Thank you kindly. 

P.P.S. These aren’t affiliate links I would never do that and that’s creepy.

Ranked in order of what I want most to what I want least because I like to waste my own time like that I guess. I wanted to keep it light today and have been battling myself on this ordering for an hour. NOT MY BEST.

πŸ‘•: perfectwhitetee (ranking this 1st because I purchased it already!) I checked out last night, and kicked off my cyber week shopping by adding 5 shirts to my collection and vowing to never shop again. 

I bought 4 of the katz shirt. 2 black, 2 white. I currently own 1 of these – in white. I’ve worn it 20 times and bought it at the end of Summer at full price. Who am I to resist 30% OFF of my favorite shirt? 

I then branched out and bought a new to me shirt that plagued me because my group text wasn’t texting me back quickly enough so I spiraled and bought 5 shirts unchaperoned. BTW, I built my cart on Saturday but wasn’t ready until Tuesday. THIS IS STANDARD SHOPPING BEHAVIOR AND TYPICAL THAT CUSTOMERS BUILD CARTS AND THEN SIT ON THEM TO REASON. All the more reason to go out with your offer early. perfectwhitetee got my 1st dollars, so they got $297 of them. 

πŸ§₯: Jenni Kayne (Carly got this and I don’t have an original thought in my head). 25% OFF and their ads are following me around the internet and I feel weak but also strong because I did vow to retire for the season. 

🧺: The Laundress (I think I influenced myself when I wrote about it). This ad is just the recall I needed. 25% OFF is also my floor for BFCM. 20% doesn’t make me flinch. 

πŸ‘–: KHAITE via Net-a-Porter (40% OFF a jacket that I own in black that I paid full price for only a few months ago FML and that I have on my Wish List in the app). 

β˜€οΈ: True Botanicals (30% OFF my favorite sunscreen even though it’s almost impossible to find on the site unless you search the word sun). I would do anything to redo their mega-nav. I’d do it in exchange for sunscreen, that’s for sure. 

πŸ‡ : Olipop (30% OFF my beloved GRAPE. This is only ranked far down on my list because I’m moving soon MORE DETAILS TO COME DON’T TELL DANIEL I TOLD YOU HE SAID NOT YET and I don’t know if I’ll have time to drink through the stash). IF YOU DON’T LIKE GRAPE THINGS, TRY IT. IT’S GOING TO ROCK YOU. YOU WILL NEVER SAY A BAD WORD ABOUT GRAPE AGAIN.

🌹: Westman Atelier (20% OFF just doesn’t hit hard enough but I’ve always wanted this brush but I’m never getting it because COME ON but I do love it and do wish they had strike-thru pricing on site because they really can afford that dev change considering this brush is over $100 after the discount). 

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Ari Murray

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