I cannot stress the importance of judging the entire creative placement before calling an ad a winner or a loser.
And in this judgement, is ad copy an isolated factor you’re controlling for?
Was that a jump scare?
It’s really easy to blame the creative asset. It’s also easy to blame the media buyer (I know this to be true as I run a team of media buyers who I will defend TO THE END).
It’s not common to blame the copy. At least, not common enough.
Today’s email is in defense of LONG AD COPY.
I mean long-form, multi-paragraph, very detailed copy. The type that’s hard to write but can carry immense weight.
I’m not saying only write long-form ad Meta ad copy. I’m saying to PLEASE test long-form ad copy, short-form ad copy, funny ad copy, emoji-heavy ad copy, non-branded emoji ad copy (AKA, copy with emoji’s that are surprising and unexpected), copy with social proof, copy with numbers, copy with exclamation points and ALL CAPS… you get it.
If you’re not testing a mix of copy that you’re studying with the same scrutiny that you study and judge and attack your ad creatives, I think you’re spending your ad dollars irresponsibly.
And I know that’s harsh but I am so serious about the impact of copy length and copy variations and it’s just not high-enough on the priority list for most brands and that hurts me.
So, here are examples of long-form Meta ad copy that I suggest you study and send to your copywriter as inspiration in format, length, information hierarchy, and flare.
Each of these should pair with a short-form copy variant that follows the same theme (shares similar info) but that is TIGHTER, MORE CONTROLLED, AND QUICKER TO READ.
I really hope you do this and it’s only because it makes me sick when copy isn’t taken seriously. I’m not sure why I care so deeply and I’m sure that’s not normal or good but my eye twitches at the thought LOL. Will work on this if you promise to evaluate your approach to ad copy today. Deal?
FarmHouse Fresh: Ads Library here. Look at the power of the line-break and the very last line: every purchase helps rescue abused animals.

ARMRA: Ads Library here. Emojis as bullet points. 400+, 5,000, 10,000 5-star, Free Shipping on $80+.
Look at the format and rip it. Look at the exact placement of the #s, and rip it. Look at the emoji placement, and rip it. I’m saying try this format EXACTLY.
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Laundry Sauce: Ads Library here. STARTS WITH A NUMBER.

perfectwhitetee: Ads Library here. Let me break down why-

AG1: Ads Library here. See how it’s speaking to Moms? See how the review mentions kids? See how there’s deep care put into this copy????

Clutch: Ads Library here. Emoji world.

Elemis: Ads Library here. Step by step! With an invite to COMMENT.