1️⃣. I like this as an ad. But I’d LOVE it on the Necklaces Collection page. 

As an ad:Β 

Where I want to put it:Β 

2️⃣. U Beauty’s Subscription Event (last week). I think it works very well for them because they did it in 2023, too. πŸ™‚ 



3️⃣.Β  Taste Salud’s DΓ­a Del Prime Sale. This is how you Prime Day!!!!! My favorite flavors are JAMAICA, LIMONADA, and PEPINO LIMΓ“N. I’m on a 2 a day kick LOL.

4️⃣.  I love a line sheet pre-launch! I really do. When we help our customers plan their buys… they buy. SET ACTIVE never misses here. Nor does WeWoreWhat.



5️⃣. Back to Prime Day. HexClad’s PRIME TIME SALE. HexClad owns Prime Day every single time. πŸ§‘β€πŸ³

6️⃣. I’m in London right now and this morning before work (love working EST from the UK!) I went to Selfridges with my aunt-in-law (?) Shelly. If you’ve been reading Go-to-Millions since the beginning you know Aunt Shelly. She’s VERY COOL. VERY STYLISH. VERY WORTH COPYING. Anywho, within 4 minutes of our arrival to Selfridges she asked me if I needed anything and I said no. And then she asked me if I buy Victoria Beckham Beauty. She said it’s her favorite and then she walked me to the counter and showed me what she likes and within 7 minutes I had purchased 5 things. The sales associate didn’t even have to answer any of my questions. Aunt Shelly was swatching the eyeliners, showing me my contour shade, and telling me why I need 3 different brown eyeliners. It all happened so fast.

I bought this, this, these three shades of this FML LOL:Β 

A reminder to me that a fan of your brand can sell your brand better than anyone.  

7️⃣. This Prime Day email from Fishwife. IT JUST LOOKS SO POPULAR! BECAUSE IT IS! AND BECAUSE THEY ARE MAKING THAT SO APPARENT. Prime Day done right. πŸ™‚Β 

8️⃣. Ole & Steen’s line: The all-day bakery from Denmark. 

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I couldn’t love that more. I also have gone 2 days in a row (I’m in London right now but I’ll be going to the NYC location every time I’m in town from here on out). 

All-day bakery. Fresh. I hesitate to try bakeries late in the day, I think most people do? Is it FRESH? Why yes, Ari, this is. It’s an all-day bakery. I’m inspired by this copy and grateful for my latte and cookies biscuits.Β 

Ari Murray
Ari Murray

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