Let’s call this one: To Patagonia, with Love.

Dear millionaire, Patagonia is a BEAUTIFUL paradox. It’s one of the most successful apparel companies in recent history that has built its entire brand on anti-consumerism.
Today, may we discuss how Patagonia is able to have its cake AND eat it too? Yes, let’s…

Despite its smaller size, Patagonia is one of THE most successful consumer brands in the U.S. In a 2021 study, they received the highest consumer brand perception ratings of any consumer company. But asking someone what they think of a brand is tricky.
It’s a convoluted ask because a person’s answer is based on how a brand makes them FEEL. So how does Patagonia do it? They have a strong brand identity. Their brand is built on authenticity. They act according to their values.

Patagonia has spent the past 49 years establishing itself as an anti-consumerism, for-profit company. Selling high quality outdoor apparel is only their second priority. Their FIRST PRIORITY is to help reduce consumption while working to protect the environment.
Their brand identity is what helps them build such a successful marketing strategy. For years, they’ve been creating ads that resonate deeply with their customers. Why? Because Patagonia STANDS FOR SOMETHING – For ethical capitalism and the protection of the environment.
Now that we’re 2 days removed from Cyber Monday, I felt it appropriate to write about Patagonia because I can’t help but think of them every Blak Friday.
That’s because Patagonia FAMOUSLY took out a full-page ad on Black Friday in 2011 with the bold headline: DON’T BUY THIS JACKET.
The ad detailed the environmental impact of each jacket and its contribution to climate change. Instead, they encouraged people to buy used gear or repair current items.
The first line of the body copy of this ad reads: “It’s Black Friday, the day of the year retail turns from red to black and starts to make real money.”
They continue: “But Black Friday, and the culture of consumption it represents, puts the economy of natural systems that supports all life fully in the red.”

By the end of the following year (after the ad), Patagonia’s sales had risen by 30%!!
And that was only the beginning.
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