I have so many marketing things I need to tell you about, Millionaire. Ready?
1️⃣. I clicked on an ad from Guest in Residence. It was for a REALLY cool Rugby Shirt. This shirt, to be specific. I’m telling you this because when I landed on the site, the shirt was cooler than I had ever hoped. But, sold out in my size / in almost every single size.
My point here is if you’re going to push $ behind an ad, realize that your performance will be capped dramatically if only 2/7 sizes you make something in have any inventory. Means that only size XXS and size M can buy. So, you’ve just narrowed the shit out of your chances for conversion. Choose to push products that you can sell – that day.
P.S. I still want a Rugby shirt. So, thinking about one from Kule now.
2️⃣. The creative for Djerf Avenue‘s NYC Pop Up is the template of all templates to copy.
So much INFO and BRAND packed into one little carousel. See what I mean? ❤️

3️⃣. My family just went to Canada. I did not. However, I learned a lot from their travels shopping. My mom got a coat from Canada Goose. Perfect Canadian purchase if I may say so.
What’s revolutionary here is the free garment bag bag she came home with. It is, without a doubt, the nicest travel garment bag I’ve ever seen. I think it might cost $20 to produce.
The sales associate put an EXTRA garment bag in the pocket of this garment bag. I’m not saying that’s revolutionary. I’m saying it’s mind-blowing! The little touches of a brand, of a purchase, and of a shopping experience are everything. Now, whenever she travels, my mom will bring that garment bag with her – even when the coat stays at home. So, Canada Goose is coming on the road with this customer through all 4 seasons of the year. Because of a free garment bag that is nicer than it should be. It’s also coming on the road with me for all 4 seasons (my mom gave me the extra one – SELFLESS).
1 coat. 2 walking billboards.
P.S. I did a photoshoot of the garment bag in my apartment for you because I have no life. I HOPE YOU CAN TELL HOW NICE IT IS. It has a button! Pockets! A branded hanger! But not a shitty hanger!
I should mention that I’m not easily impressed. I have never noticed a garment bag from past jacket purchases from Moncler. From KHAITE. TOTEME. Nobody. Only Canada Goose.

4️⃣. This ‘universe of flavors‘ creative speaks to me. Clear as day. Maybe predictable, but who cares? IT’S CLEAR AS DAY. Perfect for hero homepage.
5️⃣. This Sephora booth from Dae Hair stopped me in my digital tracks. 10/10. No notes. The founder’s last name is Fillerup. So it’s a Filler’Up Tune Up Hair Station.