THE ONE WITH MY FAVORITE SMALL BUSINESS IN THE WORLD (+ what you can learn from Yellow Beauty). 

Let me tell you a little story. 

Once upon a time, in a land far far away (Toronto, Canada) there lived a magical and NICE ( ) co-founder named Jaz Fenton

Jaz, as all Canadians do at least once in their lifetime, worked at Shopify

While at Shopify, Jaz opened a Shopify store (again, as one does). But what did she decide to sell? 

Yellow Beauty (a clean-beauty skincare brand powered by Turmeric).  

Let me tell you what Yellow Beauty gets right (and how you can learn from Yellow Beauty’s website, packaging, ingredients, and overall Go-to-Market strategy).


  1. A brand story and product range that is focused, cohesive, and consistent. 

It’s shocking how many brands Go-to-Market without a plan. When you fail to plan, you fail to be consistent. 

When you fail to be consistent, you confuse your prospective buyers. 

When buyers are confused, they hesitate. 

When buyers hesitate, the little angel on their shoulder that tells them they have Face Wash at home convinces them to abandon checkout.

When buyers abandon checkout, you have to spend money to retarget them.

When you finally get them back on site, you haven’t changed anything. 

And then they’ve not only made up their mind once and for all not to shop, but you’ve also spent $$ to chase them (AKA we’re bleeding $$$$!!)

Yellow Beauty has a hero ingredient (Turmeric, which is present in all formulas). 

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A hero color (Yellow, the brand’s namesake and creative guiding light). 

A clear mission & cause (10% of Profits are donated to a charity that advances children’s rights and equality for girls 

*(BTW, Selena Gomez’s brand Rare Beauty is HAILED A HERO for donating 1% of profits to charity. 

**Listen to that again: Selena Gomez’s VC backed brand (that’s carried in Sephora and will sell for over $1B one day) donates 1%. 

***This isn’t to shade Rare Beauty (they have A1 mascara). This is to point out that a SMALL BUSINESS IS DOING MORE FOR THE WORLD WITH LESS (another reason you’ll catch me talking about Yellow Beauty Monday-Sunday).

  1. The 360 experience of Yellow Beauty is, in my opinion, on par with the biggest, most well-resourced brands in the world.

Yellow Beauty’s website could have been designed by Red Antler. 

Yellow Beauty’s formulas have quite literally changed my skin for the better (girlie was looking ROUGH for a while before Yellow Beauty – perhaps my EXCESSIVE caffeine + TikTok habit isn’t doing me any favors)?  

Yellow Beauty’s product packaging is ECO-FRIENDLY and ON-BRAND. 

It feels expensive. 

It feels good for the Earth. 

And, it feels consistent with what I experienced online (I quite literally smiled when I unboxed my order – I’d go so far as to say that Yellow Beauty has the single most consistent digital to in-real-life journey I’ve experienced as a shopper). 

Do you know how many brands CUT CORNERS on both the product and packaging levels? BIG, BIG, BIG BRANDS! Brands that we all buy. Brands that we all know. Brands that we all accept as “fine”. 

Small businesses do not have the luxury of being fine. 

They don’t even have the luxury of being pretty good.

The reality is, doing business online is WILDY expensive.

And, usually, the best product doesn’t win (which is a shame). 

  1. Overall, if I didn’t know Jaz, I probably wouldn’t have discovered Yellow Beauty on my own. Which is why I’m telling you about it. 

Small brands are hard to find. 

Small brands can’t become medium sized brands unless we find them.

And so on, and so forth. 

Word of Mouth Marketing is the single most powerful form of marketing there is (in my opinion). 

As we Go-to-Market (and hopefully Go-to-Millions), we need to do everything in our power to get every.single.detail.right.

When you deliver a perfect, over the top experience (like the experience Yellow Beauty provides), your customers will fight the good fight for you. 

They will tell their family. They will tell their team. They’ll gift your product.

They’ll do your marketing for you. 

P.S. Jaz and Jamil (Yellow Beauty’s Co-Founders and my fav couple) don’t know I wrote this (ask for forgiveness, not permission AM I RIGHT). Hi guys!

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